It's time to reach your goals

1:1 Intensive coaching with candi

My 1:1 Intensive Coaching is one 60-minute deep dive that condenses a month of coaching into one focused session where we personalize a strategy for your health!  

need help with nutrition? Meal plan ideas? Workout guidance?

Whatever you need, we figure it out together!

Let’s get real for a second, friend

Tell me if this sounds familiar…

You want to learn and change your patterns and behaviors and live a healthier lifestyle, but you just don’t know where to start. You find yourself turning to your “trusty sidekick”, Google, searching one thing after another, watching I don’t know how many videos on YouTube, or going down the rabbit hole of IG posts and reels, only to come back up for air (several minutes or HOURS later) more confused than ever. 

The very thought of starting is just about enough to give you an anxiety attack. Your goal seems so big and you can’t even imagine how the heck you’re going to achieve it in the first place. It seems so insurmountable. You’re already dreading the process, you’re maybe even paralyzed by information overload…and you haven’t even started yet!

Been there?

I feel you! And I finally realized, after finding myself in that deep, dark hole one too many times, that if I truly wanted to stop feeling so overwhelmed, paralyzed, and stuck, something had to change. And that something was really someone (me!).  

It wasn’t until I intentionally stopped searching for the next best thing, dismissed what everybody and their mother supported or recommended as THE answer to our prayers, and started focusing on one thing at a time that our world changed. 

If you’re ready to trade in the struggle and dread and tackle your goals head-on, one step at a time to create real and lasting change in your life, let's set up a 1:1 Intensive!

Repeat after me

You are capable.
You have something amazing inside of you. You are strong.
You can—and will—get the results you are looking for!

Candi Warren

I began my health coaching journey without knowing anything about what I was doing...isn't life kind of like that! All I knew is that I wasn't happy in the body I was in...I wasn't happy in the brain space I was in...I just wasn't happy and I needed a change!

I chose to dive into coaching 2 months after my mom passed away in April 2020 because I promised her that I would make my health a priority and I’ve committed to that journey ever since!

Since starting my health journey I’ve have lost just over 35 pounds and kept it off!

Over the course of the past 4 years, I have learned to love myself again, increase my faith with Jesus, learned to take chances on myself, decrease my anxiety, and just love people more!

I’m so excited about having you here to help you with the plan for you to also get the results your looking for!!

I believe that true health is about more than just the number on the scale or the amount of kale you eat. It's about creating a balanced, joyful life that nourishes your body, mind, and spirit. 

As your health coach, I'll be your biggest cheerleader and support system, guiding you on your journey to vibrant health. Together, we'll work on developing healthy habits that fit into your busy lifestyle, and we'll celebrate your successes every step of the way. 

Think of it like a delicious recipe: you bring the ingredients (your goals and challenges), and I'll help you mix them together in just the right way to create a masterpiece (a healthier, happier you!). 

So let's get started on creating the healthy, happy life you deserve!

Book your

1:1  intensive  coaching

If you’re ready to focus on your health, you don’t want to miss this!